Ozone Generators for Aquaculture

Team Waterhouse, Ozonepedia

OZONE in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems 🐠

As recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) operate by reusing the fish tank water it is essential to control the water quality. Globally it has been proven that treating RAS systems with ozone increases productivity as fish health and survival is increased. At RAS, the organic load tends to be high and the homogeneous fish stock leads to a high risk of infections and problems with bacteria, fungi, and viruses. All these challenges are countered by ozone. Since it is the strongest disinfectant cum oxidant, not only it sterilizes, de-odorizes, de-colorizes the water, Ozone increases Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels, thereby allowing the fishes to breathe, drink and reside in a healthy and oxygenated environment.


  • Reduce Mortality rate
  • Increase Production
  • Increase Weight gain
  • Increase Growth-rate
  • Increase Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
  • Nullify cross-infection between fishes
  • Reduced water usage
  • Reduced Medication costs
  • Nullify chemical costs
  • De-odorization, de-colourization of water


Leading organised players in aquaculture along the western coastlines, who contribute massively in the annual GDPs, under the fatherly observation of The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, are installing large ozone generators in RAS. They have connected eight of its 48 large circular tanks infrastructure, to make a single set of recirculating circuit. Apart from bio filtration, ozonisation is being done to increase the dissolve oxygen up to the desired level, disinfection and most importantly, detoxification. Six such systems are running simultaneously at large fields, where mortality rate has been found to fall incredibly, along with splendid average weight gain & rise in production.